IWFCI Global Trade Nexus Program: Insights Into Trade Practices Across Nations.

Trade Nexus

This week, we got to celebrate the achievements of the participants of the IWFCI Global Trade Nexus Program: Insights Into Trade Practices Across Nations.

Special appreciation to IWFCI India and the Pillai Institute, in particular Dr Daphne Pillai, Dr R Chandran, and Dr Celina Joy, for offering this invaluable opportunity to enhance participant’s expertise in international trade.

Our gratitude goes out to our course presenters, Mr Karthikeyan Vishnu, Mr Vishal Thakkar, Mr Vinod Madhavan, Ms Theresa Moller and Mr Gumani Mugeri whose contributions enriched this learning journey.

A big thank you to our participants for actively engaging in this programme. As you move forward, we encourage you to apply the insights and strategies you’ve gained to your professional endeavors. We believe that your active engagement will not only benefit your career but also help in contributing to the trade landscape in SA. Thank you once again for being a part of this journey. We look forward to seeing all that you will achieve in the coming years and do hope that IWFCI SA will get to play an active role in your future successes and contributions to the field. The efforts to be at the event today, arriving from Lesotho, Swaziland, Soshanguwe, Limpopo, and other distant places are so appreciated.

Thank you to IWFCI Global Chairman, Ms. Diana Abruzzi, for her support and encouragement.

Finally, I thank Ms Tshepo Ncube of ABSA CIB for her support and for sponsorship towards the venue and catering today. And to Ms Veronica Mtsishe and Binance for the swag.

Vino Pillay, IWFCI South Africa


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